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Friday, February 3, 2012

Partner Up!
  Often, February brings to mind pictures
of young lovebirds and cupid flying through the sky. Keep in mind, Valentine’s Day may be based on partnerships and St. Valentine, but there’s a lot we should recognize about the fun, heart-filled holiday.
It offers an opportunity to do things
with a partner, whether your partner is
a child, spouse, significant other, or friend. That’s why, if you mention this article to our martial arts school, you’ll
be entitled to a free trial class with no obligation when you sign up with a friend or family member.
You may be aware that martial arts training is great for kids and adults. You may even know adults benefit from exercise, stress relief, self-defense, and goal setting, while kids learn disciple, goal setting, self-defense, and respect building, enhance their motor skills and flexibility, and earn better grades. Have you thought of doing martial arts with a partner? A partner doesn’t have to be in the same class, even though that may be possible. It means, at a minimum, being involved in the same activity so you both have a commonality and maybe even some common goals. Having a partner, in any activity, including martial arts will offer numerous benefits: Accountability - Having a friend or child always looking to see if you are training is a huge motivation to stick with it.Commitment and Motivation - There is nothing better than having a partner committed to the same goal as you to keep you involved and motivated.

Competition and Support - As long as the competition is healthy and friendly, having friends in the same workout routine acts as a support community. This may enhance your chances of sticking with it greater than any other motivation.

Variety - When working out with
partners, you have the ability to keep it fresh. Even though you will have an instructor guiding the way, you and a partner can practice together outside of classes. This is not always the case in individual exercise programs.
5:49 am est 

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