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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Respect Your Child’s Intelligence
Did you know it can be disrespectful to do things for your children that they can do themselves? Children have an innate sense of what to do, and while it may not be up to your standards, if they are allowed to try something, they will get better. Respect their choices, rather than demanding they do it your way every time. Even kids know what is best for them sometimes. As a parent, you need to decide when that sometimes is and choose your battles wisely.  There are many reasons parents give for doing things for their children, rather than letting them do things themselves, including the following: 
• I want to give them the things I didn’t have.
• I like control and everything has to be done my way.
• They never do it right and I just have to do it over.
• I want them to be kids and not have to do adult things right now.
• They are too busy, so I need to take off some of the pressure. 

Research shows kids would rather do the job themselves than pretend they did it. Let them help you wash the clothes, make the beds, clean their rooms, and work in the yard. If you allow them to learn life skills now, you’ll help develop their self-esteem and they’ll become decision makers, rather than becoming indecisive later in life. You’ll also help them become independent. After all, isn’t your job as a parent to raise your children to become independent, responsible adults? So have a little respect for the decisions your kids make today; they may just grow up and know more than you someday. 
8:04 am edt 

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